Our Today and Tomorrow

Today, LaBrucherie Produce custom grows a wide variety of produce crops in the El Centro and Holtville areas. The company has earned the reputation of consistently providing its clients high yielding crops with excellent quality. It is no secret how the company is able to continually maintain such a reputation. Several disciplined practices are always followed: farming only the best produce ground, aggressively and frequently rotating the ground into alfalfa before environments for disease exist, and consistently walking the produce fields each and every day. Another aspect of LaBrucherie Produce that contributes to this success is the fact that the company has only one focus – growing. LaBrucherie Produce does not engage in the packing, shipping, marketing, or labor aspects of the produce business. This allows for complete attention to always be placed just on growing the crops.
Food safety is absolutely vital at LaBrucherie Produce. With a full-time food safety team in place, LaBrucherie Produce specializes in catering to the unique food safety mandates of each client. This becomes very valuable to clients because it ensures that the product will always comply with their customers’ requirements. Additionally, LaBrucherie Produce always maintains full compliance with LGMA for all leafy green crops grown.
Servicing the client’s every need from ground prep all the way to harvest is another unique aspect of LaBrucherie Produce that current clients find extremely helpful and rewarding. The philosophy of the company is that clients contract LaBrucherie Produce to grow crops, and individual clients often require a crop to be grown in a unique manner; accordingly, it is LaBrucherie Produce’s responsibility to do just that, and nothing to the contrary. In addition, at LaBrucherie Produce it is considered an absolute duty to help the client in any way during the harvest in order to facilitate a very smooth and efficient process. Clients often communicate that this is the most helpful aspect of doing business with the company.
The dynamic challenges of growing produce today are at the forefront of daily meetings: food safety, worker safety, regulatory compliance, and still, most importantly, producing a high yielding, exceptional quality crop. The environment is much different than what Matt LaBrucherie faced when he began growing produce in the early 1950s. However, with Tim and J.P. LaBrucherie’s background in law and accounting, the company is poised to adapt well to every regulatory and environmental challenge the produce industry will face in the future.
LaBrucherie Produce continues to expand its produce growing portfolio and client base. Being keenly aware that every client has unique opportunities and challenges in the marketplace, LaBrucherie Produce tailors growing agreements to meet the specific needs of each client. For any questions or inquiries regarding contract growing, please do not hesitate to contact a contact a company representative.
1407 S. LaBrucherie Road
El Centro, CA 92243
(760) 352-2170